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Publisert 23. desember 1996 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011


VATICAN CITY, DEC 23, 1996 (VIS) - This morning the Holy Father accepted the Letters of Credence presented by the new ambassador of Indonesia, Irawan Abidin, and praising the country's concern for causes such as peace and social justice, said that "Indonesia's initiatives and efforts to bring about a peaceful settlement of situations of conflict and tension in neighboring countries of Southeast Asia do you much honor."

"Likewise, Indonesia is rightly proud of the results it has so far attained in its progress as a nation," he went on, noting however that "the growth of a nation cannot be understood merely as material progress. On the contrary, it must aim at people's integral good and advancement, and it necessarily involves an ethical and moral view of rights and duties in relation to society."

John Paul II commended the fact that "thanks to Pancasila (the fundamental principles of Indonesia's constitution), ... many religious traditions live side by side in harmony, and all citizens have the same rights and duties irrespective of ethnic origin or religious and cultural practices." Nonetheless, he added, "vigilance is necessary in order to ensure that religious freedom, peaceful coexistence among believers and the equal dignity of all citizens are effectively respected, especially in the face of certain distorted interpretations of religion and the danger of religious intolerance, which is always ready to manifest itself."

"Reflecting on recent events affecting East Timor," said the Pope, "I am hopeful that a more fruitful dialogue will be pursued at all levels. All those who in any way are responsible for East Timor's future must be convinced of the need to arrive as soon as possible at a just and peaceful solution."

The Holy Father commented that the role of the Church in educating people regarding their rights and duties as part of national community aims mainly "to ensure that nothing is done against human dignity and that everyone is treated with the respect due to God's beloved creatures." In conclusion he highlighted Catholic Indonesians' devotion to their country, affirming that "genuine love of country forms an important part of every Catholic's duty and way of life."

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