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Publisert 5. mars 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

"To Promote Violence and Conflict in the Name of Religion is a Terrible Contradiction"

VATICAN CITY, FEB 24 (ZENIT).- John Paul II began his visit to Egypt as a pilgrim in Moses' footsteps with a heartfelt appeal that "all the peoples of this unique area of the world will see their rights respected and their legitimate aspirations fulfilled."

The Holy Father's words were preceded by sincere praise for the politics of this country, led by Hosni Mubarak, whom the Pope congratulated for his commitment to peace in this nation, as well as for his role in the promotion of peace in the Middle East.

The first welcome of a Pope to Egypt was characterized by a denunciation of all forms of religious fundamentalism. "To do harm, to promote violence and conflict in the name of religion is a terrible contradiction and a great offence against God. But past and present history give us many examples of such a misuse of religion."

Egypt, which is overwhelmingly Muslim, received the Bishop of Rome in a climate of festivity. He was welcomed at the airport by the highest civilian and religious authorities of the country. Among them was President Hosni Mubarak; the highest Muslim authority Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar Mosque and University, Mohammed Sayed Tantawi; Coptic Orthodox Pope of Alexandria Shenouda III; and Coptic Catholic Patriarch Stephanos II Ghattas.

The welcoming ceremony took place in Cairo's international airport, where the Pope's plane landed just after 2 p.m. local time. This visit broke with tradition a bit, because the official meeting with President Mubarak took place not in the presidential palace, but in the airport's presidential pavilion.

This is Karol Wojtyla's second visit to Egypt. His first was in 1963, when he traveled to Cairo with a group of participants in Vatican Council II.

"We must all work to strengthen the growing commitment to inter-religious dialogue, a great sign of hope for the peoples of the world," the Holy Father said as he began his fifth trip to an Arab country. He emphasized his words by recalling the tradition of peaceful coexistence among different religions for which Egypt is noted. "This is the land of a 5000-year old civilization known throughout the world for its monuments and for its knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. This is the land where different cultures met and mingled, making Egypt famous for its wisdom and learning."

In this hinge between Africa and Asia, on the banks of the great river Nile, one of the most ancient civilizations of mankind was born and developed. Its history includes decisive stages in the story of salvation: the call of the chosen people out of slavery, the revelation of God's name, the gift of the Covenant and of the Law, and the Holy Family's flight. Moreover, 1000 years ago, the "advent of Islam brought splendors of art and learning that have had determining influence on the Arab world and Africa," the Holy Father said.

In Egypt, differences "of religion were never barriers, but a form of mutual enrichment in the service of the one national community." In fact, the "people of Egypt have for centuries pursued the ideal of national unity." To stress this idea, the Pope quoted the words of Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III, who in the 80s was exiled by the regime in power: "'Egypt is not the native land in which we live, but the native land which lives in us.' "

Christianity has also made a decisive contribution to this millenarian history. The Church of Alexandria, founded by the evangelist Mark, has generated great theologians, such as Clement, St. Athanasius, St. Cyril and Origen. The memory of St. Catherine is also very much alive. Egypt has also been marked by saints like Anthony and Pacomius, who made it "the birthplace of monasticism, which has played an essential part in preserving the spiritual and cultural traditions of the Church."

Given the above, the Holy Father went on to say, "The unity and harmony of the nation are a precious value that all citizens should cherish, and which political and religious leaders must continually promote in justice and respect for the rights of all."

"As-salám 'aláikum," John Paul II said in bidding farewell. "Peace be with you." And he added: "This is my greeting to you all. This is the prayer I offer up for Egypt and all her people. May the Most High God bless your land with harmony, peace and prosperity".

In the afternoon, Pope John Paul II, the Successor of St. Peter, met with Pope Shenouda III, the Successor of St. Mark, first Bishop of Alexandria. The Pope's next visit was to the highest Sunni Muslim authority in the world, Imam Mohammed Sayed Tantawi of Al-Azhar. Tomorrow morning the Holy Father will preside at a Mass for Egyptian Catholics in Cairo's Sports Palace. In the afternoon, he will attend an ecumenical meeting in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Egypt. And finally on Saturday, one of his cherished dreams will come true: he will go to Sinai, visit St. Catherine's Monastery, where he will commemorate God's revelation of his name to Moses and the handing of the Ten Commandments.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome

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