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Publisert 27. mars 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Statements by Fr. David Jaeger, Convert from Judaism

JERUSALEM, MAR 17 (ZENIT.org).- Only 63% of Israeli citizens know that in 1994 the Vatican officially recognized the State of Israel and that they currently maintain diplomatic relations, while only 44% of Israelis know the Church's official position on anti-Semitism. These are just two facts revealed in a recent Gallup poll, which explains statements made to the international agency «Fides,» by Fr. David Jaeger, a Jew born in Israel in 1955 who, after converting to Catholicism, joined the Franciscan Order in 1981. Fr. Jaeger is also a jurist and, as such, participated in the Vatican-Israeli Bilateral Commission that elaborated the mutual agreements.

«It must be said that in Israel all the progress made since Vatican II in relations between Catholics and Jews is virtually unknown. In future negotiations between Israel and the Vatican, we want to address this: what must be done so that these successes will be made known to the Jewish people. We need a project to educate the Jewish population.» Even professors at the University of Tel Aviv are positively surprised to learn about documents that were published 30 years ago and are still unknown in Israel.

Reciprocity Fr. Jaeger believes that «the government has a certain responsibility for this slowness in education and knowledge: the agreement between the Vatican and Israel signed in 1993 was made known in 1999; the second agreement, on the Church as a legal entity, ratified in February of 1999, has not yet been published in the Official Gazette... We want to request a review of the way in which Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church are presented in the school curriculum and official speeches, so that the Jewish population is informed and up-to-date on progress in our relations. Since Vatican II, the Church has revised the way in which it speaks about the Jews in the liturgy, catechesis and theology. On Israel's side, we need reciprocity in this.»

In referring to the Pope's visit, Fr. Jaeger believes that one of the most «significant» moments for the relations with Jews will be the visit to Yad Vashem, the Museum of the Holocaust.

Papal Visit, National Priority In regard to preparations for the Pope's visit to Israel, Fr. Jaeger confirmed the great efforts carried out by the government, which has turned it into a national priority. «Prime Minister Ehud Barak has made himself responsible for the preparations and entrusted Haim Ramon, his closest Minister, to dedicate himself completely to carrying out this project. And, although it is not a State visit in the strict sense, Israel has not spared any efforts.»

However, Fr. Jaeger acknowledged that «on the fringes of social life, there are groups with different views. The orthodox religious leaders are mistrustful of opening towards other religions, especially, towards Catholics.»

Danger of Mixing Religion and Politics Fr. Jaeger said that «in recent years a theocratic minority has asserted itself and is combating the secular authorities. One could say there is a 'Kulturkampf' [cultural struggle] between the secular and the religious, in an attempt to broaden their spheres of influence. Christians hope the seculars will win.»

«The agreement signed by the Vatican and Israel has as its first article the guarantee of religious liberty, in keeping with the U.N. Declaration and the State of Israel's Declaration of Independence. In practice we have betted on the secularization of the State of Israel,» added the priest.

«When religion and politics mix, it is terrible for this land,» asserted Fr. Jaeger. «All enlightened forces must struggle for the secularization of the Hebrew and Palestinian State. This is the necessary condition to guarantee peace, the rights of all citizens, respect for minorities, and women's rights. This is also the condition for the freedom of the Church in the Middle East.»

«In the Middle East, there is perhaps too much talk of God, too little of man, and much less of woman,» Fr. Jaeger concluded.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome

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