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Publisert 27. mars 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

John Paul II Advocates Peace and Follows in Moses' Footsteps

AMMAN, MAR 20 (ZENIT.org).- Jordan is the first stage of the 91st international trip of John Paul II, considered by many as «the» trip par excellence of his pontificate, because of its important spiritual significance and the expectations awakened in terms of the peace process in the Middle East.

After a 4-hour flight, the Pope's plane landed in «Queen Alia» International Airport at 2 p.m. local time. The Pontiff was received by King Abdala II of Jordan, the son and successor of King Hussein. Cannon salvos accompanied the Holy Father's steps as he left the aircraft.

As is his custom, the Pope's first gesture was to kiss this soil of this land, which presented him with an artistic bowl. The ceremony was solemnized by a parade of the Royal Guard in traditional uniform.

The Pope's first words in Jordan were dedicated to peace in the Middle East. Addressing King Abdala II, he said: «Your Majesty, I know how deeply concerned you are for peace in your land and in the entire region, and how important it is to you that all Jordanians, Muslims and Christians, should consider themselves as one people and one family. In this area of the world there are grave and urgent issues of justice, of the rights of peoples and nations, which have to be resolved for the good of all concerned and as a condition for lasting peace.»

The future lies in dialogue. «No matter how difficult, no matter how long, the process of seeking peace must continue. Without peace there can be no authentic development for this region, no better life for its peoples, no brighter future for its children. That is why Jordan's proven commitment to securing the conditions necessary for peace is so important and praiseworthy.» At this moment of the Pope's speech, Church bells pealed in this overwhelmingly Muslim country.

The Holy Father also mentioned the religious reasons for this trip, in celebration of 2000 years since the birth of Christ. He referred to the «spiritual» pilgrimage he made to Ur of the Chaldeans last month, and to his trip to Egypt, which took him to Mount Sinai and has now brought him to Jordan, a «land sanctified by the presence of Jesus himself, by the presence of Moses, Elijah, and John the Baptist, and of saints and martyrs of the early Church.» His purpose is precisely to visit those places in which the presence of God in Revelation changed human history forever.

Finally, the Holy Father said he had arrived in a friendly country. «Yours is a land noted for its hospitality and openness to all.» This openness enables the country to guarantee religious liberty, «a fundamental human right.» In this way, «all citizens feel themselves equal, and each one, inspired by his own spiritual convictions, can contribute to the building up of society as the shared home of all.»

In his welcome address, the Jordanian King also emphasized the need the area has for a lasting peace. He said he was convinced of the possibility to reach this objective, because «the power of love is stronger than the conflicts.» After recognizing the visit of John Paul II, the «holy man» of peace, to the Hashemite Kingdom as «historic,» the King continued to ask for peace for all the peoples of the Middle East, and stated that Jordanians are determined to carry this objective forward.

Visit to Mount Nebo John Paul II's marathon around the Holy Land continued with a visit to Mount Nebo. From its 806 meter height Moses was able to glimpse the Promised Land. The Pope was also able to enjoy the unique view of the Holy Land from this vantage point, including Bethlehem, the Jerusalem cupolas, the Jordan valley, the Dead Sea, and the oasis of Jericho. Here the Holy Father prayed for all people who now live in the Promised Land, Jews, Muslims and Christians, and for peace among them, in justice and fraternity.

It was a simple and cordial meeting, in which the hosts were the Franciscans, responsible for the custody of this monastery, whose foundations date back to the 4th century. Fr. Michele Piccirillo, the Superior of this Franciscan community and a great expert in archeology, illustrated in detail the secrets and meaning of the place. In remembrance of his pilgrimage, the Holy Father blessed a commemorative plaque as a gesture of good will for the first stage of restoration in this memorial to Moses. The restoration of the place, which is venerated by Muslims, Jews and Christians, will become a symbol of the new era of peace the region is enjoying.

After thanking the Franciscan community for its hospitality, the Pope returned to Amman, where shortly afterwards King Abdala II was waiting for him in his residence for a private meeting. At the end of this meeting, the Pope went to the Apostolic Nunciature where he will spend the night.

Tomorrow morning, the Holy Father will celebrate the most imposing Mass in this country's history, during which he will baptize 2,000 children in the Amman Stadium.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome

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