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Publisert 4. mai 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

VATICAN (CWNews.com) - In a message to the Catholic people of China, Cardinal Jozef Tomko encouraged the faithful to remain united with the Holy See, resisting all efforts to divide the Church.

Cardinal Tomko, the prefect of the Congregation for Evangelization, celebrated a Mass in the chapel of the Vatican Radio station, which is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its Chinese-language broadcasts. (The celebration is slightly premature; the broadcasts actually began in June 1950.)

Taking note of the tensions between the Patriotic Catholic Association, which is approved by the Beijing government, and the underground Catholic Church loyal to Rome, Cardinal Tomko said that "only the bishops in union with the successor to Peter are legitimate pastors of the Catholic Church."

"No authority, institution, or association can arrogate that function to itself," the prelate reminded the Catholic faithful of China. "Along with you-- and with all the faithful throughout the world-- we profess that the Catholic Church was founded by Christ on Peter."

Invoking the memory of the 120 Chinese martyrs who were canonized by Pope John Paul II last October, Cardinal Tomko paid homage to the sacrifices endured by the faithful in China. He acknowledged that today the underground Church is suffering, precisely because the faithful Catholics refuse to relinquish their union with the Holy Father.

The cardinal pointed out that Vatican Radio, through its Chinese- language programming, has helped to sustain the ties between the Catholics of China and the Holy See. "We cannot meet with you personally in your great country," he said, "but we can send you-- across the radio waves-- all our affection and communion." He added that he sent the greetings of the Pope, who "admires your fidelity, and urges you always to remain strong in faith."

CWN - Catholic World News

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