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Publisert 14. august 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

John Paul II Greets First Young Pilgrims Arriving in Rome

VATICAN CITY, AUGUST 13 (ZENIT.org).- Today, during his traditional meeting with pilgrims, John Paul II referred to the Exposition of the Shroud of Turin, which opened yesterday in Turin and the imminent opening of World Youth Day.

There was a joyful meeting in the papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo, located some 20 miles from Rome. It included some of the young pilgrims coming to meet the Pope in the Eternal City during the World Youth Day. The noisiest group were Spaniards, who sang the popular song "¡Que Viva España!" at the top of their lungs in the residence's patio, accompanied by a somewhat-improvised band.

John Paul II described the opening of the Turin Exposition of the Shroud, as "a providential coincidence" with the celebration of the World Youth Day, underlining the "Intimate relation that links the message of the Holy Shroud to the Jubilee Year." Consequently, he thanked Turin's Archbishop Severino Poletto and his collaborators for moving the dates of the Exposition forward to give young believers "The possibility to venerate this unique testimony of Christ."

The Holy Father then shared his personal feelings of "intense emotion," which he felt when he visited the Holy Shroud as Pontiff on three different occasions. The first in 1978, a few weeks after having been elected Peter's successor; the second, in 1980; and the third, in 1998, after the terrible fire that almost destroyed the Shroud. "Every time people have the possibility of contemplating it, they are profoundly affected. This also happened to me. Each time was a profound experience of grace! The infinite love of God speaks to the heart of every person in the Man of the Shroud."

The Pope went on the explain that the opening of the Exposition of the relic is like an introduction to the World Youth Day, and reminded his listeners of the important events of this celebration: the evening of August 15, and the closing from August 19-20, in the impressive Tor Vergata field on the outskirts of Rome.

John Paul II referred to the youths of the Mantua diocese, who carried the youth cross to Rome on foot for some 375 miles. "I greet them especially and all young pilgrims who are guests in Italian dioceses, where they are sharing the joy of the same faith and are preparing to come to Rome. Moreover, in my thoughts I embrace all those youths who will be spiritually united to us over the next few days, and also those who feel distant. To all I say: God is close to you and loves you. Welcome him!

The Pope asked Catholics throughout the world to pray so that the youths who come to Rome "may encounter Christ and be strengthened by him in the faith and follow him coherently." He entrusted this intention to the intercession of Mary, Mother of Christ and of the Church.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome