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Publisert 23. august 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Cardinal Camillo Ruini Comments on John Paul II's Extraordinary Vitality

ROME, AUGUST 21 (ZENIT.org).- «The Pope has proved once again that he is able to endure the greatest efforts. But this is not new. Contact with youth reinvigorates him even more, as happened during this meeting: days of dialogue, during which youths sought for the meaning of their life, and to whom the Pope gave 'high' answers, which cannot help but involve civil society as well,» explained Cardinal Camillo Ruini a few hours after the conclusion of World Youth Day. Cardinal Ruini is the Vicar of Rome and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference.

The Vicar of Rome made a preliminary evaluation of the event: «On Saturday night the Pope demonstrated that he is really capable of enduring even the greatest physical efforts. But, above all, he has reflected that simplicity, immediacy, and spontaneity that distinguish his relations with youths. This happens when faith becomes a real life experience and develops a great capacity of relating to our neighbor. With youths this relation is close because youths are more immediate and simpler.»

During the Vigil the Pope Changed The Pope's spirits visibly lifted during the vigil, and the tremor in his left arm was scarcely seen.«During the Vigil and Mass the Holy Father was the person I have always known: that is, someone who reserves his best energies for the most compromising moments, in this respect, he is very wise. He is much more energetic than is normally reported in the media.»

«If these youths have been able to see Rome, Peter's city, as their common homeland and, above all, if they have seen the Church as a solicitous mother close to all, capable of understanding them profoundly and being in tune with them, this is due, to a very large extent, to the Holy Father and the spontaneous and sincere way with which he opens his heart to them.»

«After World Youth Day and the profound petitions for change, renewal, in the future, civil society must also listen to these youths. No one will be able to behave as if nothing had happened. As the Pope rightfully said during the Vigil, a great sign of hope rises from the world meeting, a great sign of the possibility of a more positive future, because these youths are really enthused over the idea of constructing a modern but fraternal civilization,» Cardinal Ruini concluded.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome