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Publisert 23. august 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Conclusions of Neo-Catechumenal Way Meeting in Rome

ROME, AUGUST 22 (ZENIT.org).- At least 3,000 young men have expressed their desire to enter the seminary, and another 2,000 young women to give themselves to God in the religious life, following World Youth Day, which ended this past weekend in Rome.

The figures are impressive. They were confirmed yesterday afternoon during a vocational meeting of the Neo-Catechumenal Way, held in the Circus Maximus. A total of 80,000 youths from 70 countries attended the meeting.

Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the Pope's Vicar for the diocese of Rome, presided over the meeting. Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, 50 bishops, and a group of 40 Serbian Orthodox priests led by their Bishop were also present. The opening address was delivered by Rome's Mayor, Francesco Rutelli.

The youths who decided to consecrate their life to God did so in the place that 2000 years ago witnessed the martyrdom of numerous Christians, and in response to John Paul II's words during the final Mass in Tor Vergata. «If any of you dear young men and women hear the Lord's inner call to give yourselves completely to him in order to love him 'with an undivided heart,' do not be held back by doubts or fears. Say 'yes' with courage and without reservation, trusting him who is faithful to his promises,» the Holy Father said during the homily.

Yesterday 5,000 youths stood up and said «yes,» and then walked onto the platform installed in the Circus Maximus. During his address, Cardinal Ruini recalled how he felt his vocation while reading the Gospel, during the years of the Second World War, when his family was forced to seek refuge.

However, the topic of vocations was not the only issue addressed at the Circus Maximus. Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernández, founders of the Neo-Catechumenal Way, also exhorted youths to form Christian families. Among the thousands of youths who heard the founders, there was a couple who married the previous day, because they wanted their wedding day to coincide with this World Youth Day, as they met in a previous one. The essence of Argüello's message was the need to put aside one's own selfishness to become part of the Lord's plan and be a witness to Christ for this generation.

In statements over Vatican Radio, Argüello explained why so many youths of the Neo-Catechumenal Way decided to consecrate their life to God. «The Pope explained it very well during the Saturday Vigil: he spoke about a 'laboratory of the faith.' An initiation in Christian faith is totally necessary. We live at a time of globalization, secularization when 'normal.' Faith is no longer sufficient, as society has values that are contrary to the Gospel. Therefore, it is necessary to educate our Christians, our youth, to educate then in the meaning of the Cross in their life. They do not know the meaning of suffering, nor what it means to be a Christian, to carry eternal life within oneself in life, in relations with others, in work, in study and, above all, they need a community relation. Christ himself needed a family, the Family of Nazareth, in order to grow and become an adult!»

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome