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Publisert 27. august 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Fr. Paolo Bizzeti Highlights Jubilee's Festive Dimension

ROME, AUGUST 24 (ZENIT.org).- «I think the joy of these youths has taken us back to the Jubilee's original meaning. Indeed, in the Bible, the return to order in justice is a source of joy for all, and the Jubilee is nothing other than this: not only for the poor, who see their dignity and the possibility of life restored, but also for those who have unduly accumulated wealth, which does not bring happiness,» stated Biblical scholar Fr. Paolo Bizetti, S.J., who is also an expert on pastoral care of youth.

«Celebration is of the essence of a Jubilee, as the Bible shows,» stressed Fr. Bizetti. If this is ignored, he held, «we run the risk of always emphasizing only the dimension of moral conversion.» This enthusiasm, which the Pope echoed yesterday in the general audience's catechesis, was expressed in many ways such as solidarity. In the «carpet» of celebrating people, to use the Pope's image, many were from poor countries. «Celebration and justice go together, you cannot be joyful alone. This is why it was lovely that these youths were able to come to Rome and to so many places in Italy, for a time of pilgrimage, but also of travelling,» Fr. Bizzeti said.

Another aspect is reconciliation: Fr. Bizetti was struck by the youths from countries at war who were united in prayer. «It was a sign of Pentecost for me. Peace and reconciliation are possible: what the Christian believes and proclaims is not a utopia.»

«This is going to the roots, to what the Jewish Sabbath is, paraphrasing Jean Vanier - the celebration is the place of reconciliation and forgiveness,» the Jesuit added. There was an attitude of sharing and transparency that is not seen in other meetings, Fr. Bizetti said, contrasting it with Berlin's «Love Parade.» «There was an ocean of youths there too, but they were dead, wounded, and astream of drugs. Therefore, it was an artificial celebration. However, in Rome the spontaneity of youths, who have obviously understood that the Word of God is the way to happiness, was impressive.»

According to Fr. Bizetti, this happiness is a necessary condition for evangelization, «to be credible in today's world.» Youths have given the Church a very «strong» message: «they are ready to live a Christian life, so that this dimension will grow.» Such an attitude is genuinely Biblical, he explained. «Let us consider the psalms of pilgrimage: 'What joy...' A biblical pilgrimage frees one from many useless things. David carried the Ark [of the Covenant] dancing. In Saturday's Vigil we saw precisely this dimension, which interacted with the most catechetical part.»

«Speaking of dialogue, the Pope captured it marvellously, and youths contributed specifically this attitude of joy,» he concluded, referring to the Pope's comment at the end of the Vigil that the youth's cries had transformed his homily into a true dialogue of faith.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome