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Publisert 13. oktober 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

SEOUL (UCAN) - South Korean President Thomas More Kim Dae-jung has invited his parish priest to say Mass at the presidential residence once a week, since his attending Sunday Mass at the parish is not feasible.

Father Peter Ahn Byung-chul of Sejong-no Church celebrated Mass with Kim in the presidential living quarters for the first time on May 8. Father Ahn told UCA News that he would continue to celebrate the private Mass whenever the president wanted. With such an arrangement, the president will get a chance to attend Mass once a week despite his schedule, he added.

Since taking office on Feb. 25, Kim, the first Catholic president in the country's history, has missed Sunday Mass due to his busy schedule and security concerns.

Right after his inauguration in February, Kim registered with Sejong-no parish, whose territory covers Chong-wa-dae presidential mansion. Kim was baptized a Catholic in 1957, with former prime minister John Chang Myon, whose son is Bishop John Chang Yik of Chunchon, as his godfather.

Like the president, first lady Lee Hee-ho, a Methodist, has also had difficulty attending Sunday religious services since moving to Chong-wa-dae.

She too has invited a minister to conduct a weekday service in the living quarters, according to presidential spokesperson Park Jie-won.

UCAN 13. mai 1998

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