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Publisert 8. desember 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

SEOUL (UCAN) - The Catholic Bishops' Conference of Korea has sought forgiveness from the Korean people for the Church's past faults during its 200 years of history.

The act of repentance followed the action of Pope John Paul II, who made an official confession and asked for forgiveness in March for the past faults of the universal Church during its 2,000 years of history.

Following is the full English text of the original document "Renewal and Reconciliation," issued by the Catholic bishops Dec. 3 as the Church entered a new liturgical year.

Reformation And Reconciliation

We entered a new millennium with the Great Jubilee. In order that the Church will open a new era in fidelity to the mission entrusted to her, it is necessary, first of all, to have an attitude of repentance for her past faults and purify herself. His Holiness Pope John Paul II reminded that "acknowledging the weaknesses of the past is an act of honesty and courage which helps us strengthen our faith" ("Tertio Millennio Adveniente," no. 33) and showed us an example of the Church making penance for her faults.

The Church is called to impart to people the grace of salvation that Christ has achieved. However, we confess straightforwardly that we, as disciples of Christ, have not carried out the mission fully. It is just and right that we, brothers and sisters in the mystical Body of Christ, should make penance for our faults in the past. Based on this penance, we want to renew ourselves and reconcile with our Korean people, and march together with those who strive to make new history.

1. We, during the period of persecution against the Catholic Church in Korea when people knew very little of the world situation, sometimes tried to obtain freedom of religion and protect the Church by depending on foreign powers, and experienced some cultural conflicts in the process of the introduction of Western culture. As it was shown in the events that caused sufferings and hurt to our people, we sometimes took part in unjust pressures of foreign countries.

2. We regret that there were sometimes misunderstandings, and what is more, restrictions imposed on the faithful who took the lead in the independence movement of Korean people during the dark period when Korean people were invaded by World Powers and Japanese colonial rule, even if that was for the purpose of securing peace and stability of the Church, in the name of the separation of Church and State.

3. We express regret for not being positively involved in making efforts to overcome the division of Korean people that was made in the process of the reorganization of the world order after national independence and to make unity and reconciliation, and feel sorry for sacrifices many people experienced in that process.

4. We make a self-examination of the insufficient efforts to solve conflicts between regions, classes and generations and to promote the human rights of those who are alienated and discriminated in our society like the disabled and foreign workers.

5. We did not make efforts enough to lead people so that all human beings created in the image of God can live in harmony and cooperation grounded on authentic moral values in a society where collective selfishness, moral hazard, irregularities and corruption are widespread. Especially, we did not give enough leadership to the youth so that they can grow in love for God and neighbor with upright conscience.

6. We did not follow always the example of Jesus who "came not to be served but to serve" (Mark 10:45). Sometimes, our clergy did not give a moral and ethical example to the society and fell into authoritarianism or ran after secular trends like excessive interest in the external growth of the Church.

7. We confess that we did not understand fully spiritual and cultural values, social and moral virtues within other religions in Korea, which is multireligious.

We confess that we did not implement our duties to be the salt and the light to the world as Jesus recommended to us. On this occasion, we ask forgiveness of all people who have been hurt by our indifference, onlooking and faults.

Renewing ourselves in penance, we promise to do our best to build a better world of justice and peace in unity with all people of good will according to the teaching of Christ.

We pray God grant His abundant grace to all of you.


5. desember 2000

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