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Publisert 16. januar 2001 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

VATICAN, Jan. 16, 00 (CWNews.com) - The government of China remains adamantly opposed to the notion of a visit by Pope John Paul II, according to Italian press reports.

Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato reportedly mentioned the prospect of a papal visit during his visit to Beijing this week, in discussions with Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongii. The Chinese leader rejected the idea, the media reports indicate, citing the "offense" against China caused by the Vatican's October ordination of 130 Chinese martyrs. Zhu Rongii mentioned the diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Taiwan as a subject of discord.

According to the Italian daily Il Messaggero, Zhu Rongii nevertheless claimed that in spite of the "open wounds" inflicted by the Vatican, "the dialogue is not considered closed." But he said that the Vatican would have to take the first step to resume discussions.

CWN - Catholic World News
16. januar 2001

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