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Publisert 27. oktober 2001 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

VATICAN, Oct 24, 01 (CWNews.com) - Pope John Paul II has called upon the Chinese government to resume negotiations toward the establishment of normal diplomatic relation.

The Pope's message was contained in a 4-page letter-- made available in Chinese and English as well as Italian-- published in conjunction with a Gregorian University conference on the missionary work of Matteo Ricci.

Rumors had circulated in Rome, earlier in the autumn, that the conference-- which opened on October 24-- would be the occasion for the announcement of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Beijing. Those rumors were proven false by the Holy Father's plea to the Chinese government. The Pontiff made it clear that talks with Beijing had broken down.

After praising the work of Father Matteo Ricci-- the 16th-century Jesuit who brought the Gospel to China-- the Pope said that today, too, it is important to promote friendship and dialogue between "the two oldest living institutions in the world," the Catholic Church and the Chinese government. He added that the "opening of some space for dialogue" between the two parties would constitute "an improvement for all humanity."

Asking pardon for any errors committed by Catholics in the past, the Pope said that today, "The Catholic Church is not asking for any privilege from China or from her political authorities, but only the chance to engage in dialogue, to work toward a relationship marked by mutual respect and deeper understanding."

Catholic World News Service - Daily News Briefs
24. oktober 2001

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