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Publisert 17. januar 2002 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

BEIJING, JAN. 14, 2002 (Zenit.org).- China is getting religion, and its leaders are getting nervous.

Unprecedented concern about the growing influence of religion in this country underscored speeches given by top Communist Party leaders during a major Religious Work Conference here Dec. 10-12, the Compass Direct agency reported.

The conference's overwhelming emphasis was on tightening control of religious affairs, which President Jiang Zemin stated was linked to China's social stability and national security.

He further warned that no one would be allowed to abuse religion in order to sabotage the Communist Party. While exchanges between Chinese and foreign religious societies would be encouraged, infiltration by overseas forces using the cover of religion would be resolutely resisted, he insisted.

One major outcome of the conference is that it will reportedly become easier for churches and other religious organizations to register directly with the state without joining the Protestant Three Self Patriotic Movement or the state-controlled Catholic Patriotic Association.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome
14. januar 2002

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