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Publisert 27. mai 2002 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

VATICAN CITY, MAY 26, 2002 - After a gathering with young people, the Holy Father went to the airport in the popemobile for a farewell ceremony which was celebrated inside due to rain.

The Pope expressed his «joy and emotion» upon visiting Bulgaria, especially «during the very days on which the memory of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius is celebrated.» He then thanked Bulgaria's president and government authorities, as well as Patriarch Maxim and the representatives and faithful of the Orthodox Church in Bulgaria for having contributed to making his visit «pleasant and purposeful.»

«Not so long ago, both Catholics and Orthodox underwent harsh persecution for their fidelity to the Gospel,» he said. «May so many sacrifices make the witness of Christians in this country bear much fruit and, with the grace of God, may they hasten the day when we shall be able to rejoice in the rediscovered fullness of unity among us!»

John Paul II greeted the faithful of Islam and the Jewish community and urged that the worship of one God inspire in all «intentions of peace, understanding and mutual respect, and a commitment to build a society founded on justice and solidarity.» He also greeted with «particular affection ... my Brother Bishops and the sons and daughters of the Catholic Church.»

The Pope concluded by quoting Blessed John XXIII in a Christmas homily preached in 1934, just before he left the office of apostolic nuncio in Bulgaria. In that homily, he recalled the Irish tradition of placing a lit candle outside the window on Christmas Eve so that Mary and Joseph know that inside that house a family was waiting for them: «If anyone from Bulgaria should ever pass by my house, at night, amid life's difficulties, he will always find the candle burning in my window. Let him knock, let him knock! He will not be asked whether he is Catholic or Orthodox: he is a Bulgarian brother and that is enough. Let him come in: two brotherly arms and a friend's warm heart will welcome him to the feast.»

The papal plane departed at 7 p.m. local time (6 p.m. Rome time) and arrived at Ciampino Airport in Rome after a two-hour flight. The Pope proceeded by helicopter to the Vatican.

Vatican Information Service
26. mai 2002

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