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Publisert 30. juli 2002 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

STAMFORD, Connecticut, JULY 28, 2002 (Zenit.org).- Three Catholic priests in China were sentenced to three years of forced labor for carrying out their ministry without the consent of the Communist authorities.

The U.S.-based Cardinal Kung Foundation reported that Father Pang Yongxing, 30, was arrested in his home by the Chinese security police in December.

It said Father Ma Shunbao, 50, was arrested on Easter Sunday, March 31, while celebrating Mass. Likewise, Father Wang Limao, 32, was arrested on Palm Sunday, also while celebrating Mass, the Kung Foundation said.

The three priests belong to the underground Church in Baoding, Hebei, the group said. On July 7 they were sentenced to labor camp for «disturbing the peace of society» under the «cult» law. They have been transferred to the Balizhuang labor camp in Baoding, Hebei.

The Kung Foundation also reported that about 18 Catholics were arrested for trying to make a pilgrimage in May to DongLu in Baoding. Six of them were released after paying a total of $3,850 for an «illegal pilgrimage,» the U.S. group said. Another dozen or so, unable to pay the fines, are reportedly still being detained.

ZENIT - The World Seen from Rome
28. juli 2002

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