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Publisert 16. juni 2005 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

The European Parliament voted 360-272 last Wednesday to adopt a report on the protection of minorities and anti-discrimination policies in the EU, which urges that same-sex "marriages" that are legal in some member countries receive recognition in all EU countries.

The Moraes report was described by the pro-family group Euro-fam as a "threat to the family." Written by UK Socialist Claude Moraes, the report goes so far as to ask that these same-sex "marriages" be recognized in the host country, even where same-sex unions are not legally recognized. "This not only tramples on the sovereign will of several EU Member States and on national legislations, but it could also result in redefining the traditional family in many states," says Euro-fam.

Another paragraph in the report indicates that the European Parliament believes that freedom of religion leads to discrimination and homophobia in the field of education. Euro-fam is concerned that "it will result in the suppression of the right of parents to choose the type of education they want for their children," and also implies that religious organizations "could no longer retain the right to choose to work with people who uphold common beliefs."

CWN - Catholic World News (14. juni 2005)

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