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Publisert 29. juni 2005 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Pro-family demonstrators in Spain are planning to take to the streets once again, after Prime Minister José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero refused to meet with them, the Fides news service reports.

Another massive rally for the family has been scheduled for June 30-- the day when Spain's parliament will take a second vote on the proposed law to give homosexual unions the same status as marriage. The bill is expected to win approval.

After the June 18 rally that brought 1 million pro-family demonstrators to the streets of Madrid, organizers sought a meeting with the Spanish government leader. When they were rebuffed, the Family Forum organizers announced the new rally for June 30.

"We, the families of Spain, will be on the streets again to defend our rights," the organizers told Fides. This second demonstration in Madrid will be preceded by similar events the day before-- Wednesday, June 29-- in various other cities including Barcelona, La Coruña, Granada, Seville, Vigo, and Zaragoza.

CWN - Catholic World News (29. juni 2005)

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