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Publisert 5. august 2014 | Oppdatert 5. august 2014

Den nordiske bispekonferanse har den 4. august kommet med en pressemelding om krigen i Gaza.


Biskopene ber om en umiddelbar stopp på voldshandlingene, og oppfordrer partene i Syria, Irak og Gaza til å søke tilgivelsens, dialogens og forsoningens vei.


Now it’s enough!

We, the Catholic Bishops in the Nordic countries, are thankful for the strong position against the war in Gaza taken by Scandinavian officials and residents the last few days.

Along with many others we demand and also pray fervently for an immediate end to the violence and the war in the Gaza Strip.
Together with Pope Francis we wish to send a strong message to all the Christians, believers of other religions and all people of good will: “Violence  and war is never the road to peace. Forgiveness, dialogue, reconciliation – these are the words of peace, in beloved Syria, in the Middle East, in the  entire world!"

This message is especially urgent in Iraq, Syria and the Gaza Strip: The violence has to stop now!

Bishop Anders Arborelius, Stockholm
Bishop Czeslaw Kozon, Copenhagen
Bishop Bernt Eidsvig, Oslo
Bishop Peter Bürcher, Reykjavik
Bishop Berislav Grgic, Tromsø
Bishop Teemu Sippo, Helsinki
Bishop emeritus Gerhard Schwenzer, Oslo